Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Superfood Breakfast


4 Atkins Advantage Wheat & Rye Cracker à 10 g
1/2 ripe avocado
50 g President Chèvres doux soft goat's cheese
1 teaspoon chia seeds
Pinch of salt

This breakfast has become her favorite option over the working week. Although there was no cooking involved she wanted to share this breakfast option as it contained so called super foods. It can be argued that the rise of so called super foods is nothing but a scam and clever manipulation by nutrition marketeers. It is true that these products are usually pretty costly and come with a fashion hype and promotions in the media and by celebrities. The judgement was on each person to make, but what she personally liked and appreciated about these products was the diversity and new door that opened to whole different life style. Not only she enjoyed the taste but it just made her feel good. The crackers were low carb and full of fibre; chia seeds were wholesome source of mega-3 fatty acids,  protein, manganese, and phosphorus along with vitamin A, B, E and D. Avocado was rich in healthy fats and nutrients - oleic acid, lutein, folate, vitamin E, monounsaturated fats and glutathione among them. 
Goat cheese, like goat milk, was easier on the human digestive system and lower in calories, cholesterol and fat than its bovine counterpart. In addition, goat milk cheese was a good source of calcium, protein, vitamin A, vitamin K, phosphorus, niacin and thiamin. Given the fact that she was lactose intolerant, this was a better option.
When she combined this breakfast with one of her fruit smoothies, she felt energetic, satisfied but not stuffed until the lunch time. Why not trying something new?
Bon Appetit!

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