Monday, July 29, 2013

Goat's Cheese And Pear Salad


1 bag mix of salad leaves
1 pear, peeled and sliced
1/2 pack soft goat's cheese
Handful walnuts

1 tbsp pink pepper corns
2 tbsp balsamic vinaigrette
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp honey
1 tbsp mustard

Salads are great anytime, but in this warm weather they are almost a necessity. This one is again super easy to make and the mix of sweetness of the pear with the sharpness of the goat's cheese a great combination. Simply place washed salad leaves on a plate or in a bowl, add cheese, sliced pear and walnuts. Prepare dressing in a separate container by mixing all the ingredients well together until you have a compact liquid. Pour over the salad and all is ready. Serve with bread.
Bon Appetit!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Lamb Chops Marinated In Chili And Mint Sauce


4 smaller lamb chops
1 cup of rice
1/2 fresh chili pepper
Bunch of fresh mint leaves
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp honey
1 teaspoon fresh lemon juice

Sometimes a little shift from the usual chicken and fish is needed. Lamb was not everyone's favorite but this marinated version had rather a success. Put the lamb chops into marinade made of honey, olive oil, a bit of lemon juice, finely chopped mint leaves and chili pepper, salt and pepper for at least a few hours and store in a fridge. Fry on a sauce pan with a lid or grill on a barbecue if possible for about 20 mins. Serve with rice or potatoes.
Bon Appetit!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Smoked Mackerel Salad With Beetroot And Dill Yogurt Dressing


250g baby potatoes, boiled
1 smoked mackerel fillet, boned and torn into pieces
2 middle sized bulbs cooked beetroot, sliced
1 cup rucola leaves 

1/2 cup low fat Greek yogurt
1 tbsp chopped fresh dill
1 tbsp pickled capers
1 tbsp lemon juice

This time a little Nordic inspiration. This meal is packed with vitamin C, B6 and B12, antioxidants and healthy omega 3s fatty acids, just be cautious of the beetroot which has a tendency to stain everything pink. Once the potatoes are boiled soft, cut them in half, mix with rucola leaves, pieces of mackerel and sliced beetroot.  In a separate bowl or cup prepare the dressing by mixing half of the yogurt container with finely chopped fresh dill, tablespoon of  capers with a bit of the pickled liquid, a squeeze of lemon juice, salt and pepper and  stir all together. Pour the dressing over the mix and the meal is ready. Add a boiled egg if you fancy or use fresh spinach leaves instead of rucola if you prefer.
Bon Appetit!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Carrot And Coriander Soup


5 medium carrots, sliced
1/2 cup fresh orange juice or 1 orange, juiced and pulp included
2 cups water
1 tbsp butter
Pinch of curry powder
Pinch of ginger powder
Pinch of cinnamon
Bunch of fresh coriander leaves

Another of her favorite soup recipes, super fast, super easy and something she called a "super food" - pumped with vitamins and low on calories. Melt the butter in a saucepan and throw the carrots in. Stir around with the butter for a short while, pour over water and orange juice and boil. Season with salt, pepper, curry powder, ginger and cinnamon. Once the carrots are cooked, turn the heat off and add the coriander leaves. Mix with blender or immersion mixer. If you prefer, you can also ad a bit of cream. Serve the soup with bread.
Bon Appetit!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Turkey Breast Accompanied By Exotic Salad


1 big turkey breast fillet, sliced
1 cup of rice
4 tbsp oyster sauce
1 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp honey

1/2 cup diced pineapple
1/2 cup fresh coconut
1/2 cucumber, sliced finely
1/2 cup Greek yogurt, 0% fat
Bunch of basil leaves

Summer requires a bit of exotic feel to it and why not incorporate it into the kitchen. It is better to marinade the turkey breast upfront, ideally over night, but a few hours before will also do. Cut the turkey into medallions, season with salt and pepper and place in a bowl with a bit of olive oil, oyster sauce and a table spoon honey. Mix together, cover the bowl and leave in the fridge. Now to the preparation of the salad. Cut pineapple into cubes and fresh coconut into thin cubes, peel cucumber into thin slices. Chop basil leaves finely. Mix it all together with half a cup of Greek yogurt and season with salt and pepper. Start to boil rice. Place turkey breast on a pan and fry from both sides, the sauce and surface of the meat should caramelize a bit. Pour a bit of water on the pan if needed so that it doesn't burn. Once ready, serve with the rice and salad.
Bon Appetit!