Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Party Snacks


1 hard boiled egg, chopped
8 small sized tomatoes
3 tbsp crème fraîche 
90 g Dutch shrimps 
1 tbsp mayonnaise
1 teaspoon ketchup sauce
dash of lemon juice 
Bunch of fresh dill, chopped finely

5 tbsp freshly rasped coconut or alternatively 5 tbsp dried coconut and 1/2 tbsp coconut paste
3 tbsp walnut oil
pack of fresh coriander, chopped finely
1 tbsp ginger syrup
1/2 teaspoon ginger powder or alternatively fresh rasped ginger
1 pack of Kroepoek shrimp puffs

For the purpose of the King's Day celebration she wanted to try out a few new recipes for snacks that she could serve to their guests or alternatively that could serve as a light summer dinner. The boyfriend was proposing the small dutch shrimps so she looked for a recipe with them on Allerhande and altered the one she found.
Boil the egg for 8 min until hard. Peel the egg, cut into small pieces and place in a bowl. 
Meanwhile cut the top off the tomatoes and remove the seeds and sauce with a teaspoon. 
Add the sour cream, mayonnaise, ketchup, dill, shrimps and to the egg in the bowl and mix gently. Season with lemon juice, pepper and salt. Spoon the filling into the tomatoes and garnish with the remaining dill.
The second recipe was actually their intake on a delicious starter that was served in an Asian style restaurant called Leen and that they absolutely loved. Their tried their own version by mixing the dried coconut (but fresh rasped coconut was the real deal) and the coconut past with super finely chopped coriander. They seasoned the mixture with ginger syrup, ginger powder (fresh ginger was always a good option), lime juice, walnut oil and served the mix with Kroepoek shrimp puffs. Guests seem to really enjoy this snack.
Bon Appetit!

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